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Marketing With Integrity – Attract More Speaking Engagements and Sales with PASSION POINTS – Community Call with Lisa Manyon

JOIN US for our monthly community call and meet Lisa Manyon, The Business Marketing Architect and Founder of Write On Creative. In this session, Lisa will share ways to leverage her communication framework to elevate your message from the stage and in your marketing materials.

When you want to discover the communication framework Lisa pioneered to create marketing messages with integrity with a focus on PASSION Points, join us on TUESDAY, July 18th at our HeartPowered Speaking community call. Lisa will share her personal experiences on how you can:

⭐ Create marketing messages with integrity using her proprietary values-based “Challenge. Solution. Invitation.™” communication framework
⭐ Script your story for maximum effect
⭐ Paint a picture of possibility with PASSION Points to magnetize your ideal soulmate clients
⭐ Amplify your value proposition to attract more speaking gigs and sales with grace and ease

You want to know more about Lisa upfront? Here you go…

Lisa Manyon

Lisa Manyon is the Business Marketing Architect and Founder of Write On Creative®. She pioneered the values-based "Challenge. Solution. Invitation™." communication framework to create marketing messages with integrity by focusing on PASSION points. She received The People’s Choice Award at the California Women’s Conference and her philosophies are featured in Inc. Magazine, numerous bestselling books, and multiple media outlets.

Her strategies are known to create million-dollar results. She is a cancer thriver and author of the #1 International bestselling book Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself with Love (with foreword by Dr. Joe Vitale and afterword by Neale Donald Walsh). You can learn more about Lisa at WriteOnCreative.com, and you are encouraged to take The Messenger Quiz to discover your messenger style and learn how to amplify your soul calling.


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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